early morning beach STAR

Well 2020 is certainly having her way with us. As writers, lockdown sounds pretty heavenly actually. What? We have to stay home and write? Okay… if we really have to.

However, COVID 19 is real and we have to do our best to protect ourselves and our loved ones and communities. The best way to do this is to stay healthy ourselves!

So here are my 5 EASY WAYS to do just that.

  1. Humming Breath – this is a simple yogic breath that stimulates your immune system, calms your mind and lowers stress levels. Yes! All that. Humming stimulates the Vagus Nerve

You can read all about the importance of keeping this important nerve healthy and toned in my article for UPLIFT Connect.


To do humming breath all you have to do is to sit comfortably and breathe in as normal then as you breathe out – HUM! That’s it. Breathe in and hum out. Breathe in and hum out. You can vary the tone from low to high, or stay in one tone where it feels comfortable. As you’re humming feel the vibrations the hum makes in the centre of your chest, at the base of your throat and at your third eye. Do this for at least 5 minutes, then just sit for a while afterwards, noticing the echoes of the vibrations in those three places.

Here’s a video to show you how it’s done.

If that’s too way out for you, just sing 🙂  It has the same affect.

  1. Go outside! Here in Brisbane we’re still only practising social distancing so it’s safe to go out for a walk in nature (just keep away from other people). Even if you’re in total lockdown step out onto your balcony, or sit next to a window where the sun pours in. Get that sun all over you. Outside, put your bare feet on grass, hug a tree. Soak up some sunshine and turn your focus to all the small and large beauties of our precious Earth. The world is still beautiful. Get out and enjoy it, lift your spirits. Here’s a silly walking song to sing as you go. The Brady Bunch singing “Sunshine Day”.



  1. And in the same vein – DANCE! Put on some happy music that you just can’t stay still to and get your groove on. Exercise and joy all rolled into one. Enjoying yourself isn’t forbidden. Clear the loungeroom and get dancing. For me you just can’t beat KC and the Sunshine Band for a happy dance song.


  1. Eat well. Make yourself some chicken soup the old-fashioned way with bones.


Eat lots of greens and zinc rich foods, eggs and cheese and nuts. Drink lots of ginger tea and hot lemon. Sit at a table and eat with people you love. Let’s use this forced isolation to reconnect with those closest to us. If you don’t live with anyone, call someone and have a chat while you’re eating.

  1. Stay positive with Affirmations.  Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life

did just that for me.


From the depths of despair living in Sydney’s Kings Cross, this book took me to a garden filled with sweet-peas and then my first ever overseas holiday. Affirmations can work miracles in your life.

The affirmation we all need to be saying right now is this:

From this situation only good will come. It is easily resolved for the highest good and happiness of all. I am safe and all is well.

 Whenever you start feeling anxious about this whole big mess, start repeating it over and over. Thank you Louise.


I am confident that good is on its way. Perhaps the whole world needs this huge horrible wake-up call to force us to restructure our societies so that they work for ALL of humanity, not just the rich. So that we can all work together for the healing of our planet and the protection of our most vulnerable and our animals. YES!

In other news, in light of this strange situation we all find ourselves in, I’ve had to postpone my March retreat. Magnetic Island in June (19 – 21/2020) may still go ahead, but probably not. I’ll keep you posted.

Stay healthy and strong. Keep smiling and keep writing and let me know what other ways you know about to boost immunity.

Lots of love,

Edwina xx



CHOP CHAT COOK – Videos with writing advice and chia pudding recipes!


As the world spins ever deeper into COVID 19 madness (have you got enough toilet paper?) and lockdowns, grab a cup of tea and some chia seeds and have a look at these videos.

Recently my friend, screenwriter and producer Joanne Tindale, invited me to be on her fab cooking and chat show – CHOP CHAT COOK

What fun!! We made chocolate chia pudding and a coconut blueberry chia pudding, as well as talking about lots of different aspects of the writing life. We had a great time making (and eating) the puddings and we cover lots of different hints and tips for people pursuing a career as a writer.


Income Streams in the Gig Economy or Many Fingers Many Pies : )

As every creative artist trying to make a living knows – you can’t put all your eggs in one basket. In this episode I talk about all the different ways I generate an income from writing and writing related activities.


The Healing Power of Story

Over the past few months I’ve been travelling to regional centres across my home state of Queensland running creative writing workshops for Forgotten Australians – people who suffered abuse in institutions and out of home care in their childhoods. I talk with Joanne about why and how this came about and my firm belief in the transformative power of getting your stories out of your head and onto the page – and changing them!



Career Paths to Writing – or how to build your career as a writer.

In this episode we talk about how to build your writing CV and begin to establish yourself as a professional author. Including my 10 POINT PLAN for publishing success.

And just to put a smile on your face- while I’m on a Youtube binge – here’s KC and the Sunshine Band. Get Down Tonight! 

Come on, get up and dance – shake away the COVID 19 blues!

Stay healthy and strong and write your way through lockdown : )

Lots of love,

Edwina xxx

Last Chance to RELAX AND WRITE in the Mountains!


Had enough of all the craziness? I know I sure have.

Escape all the madness and find yourself in this picture instead. Come along to my next retreat MARCH 27 – 29 2020 in Highfields. Relax with yoga, get writing with inspiring workshops, and have fun with a group of like-minded creative women.

The whole weekend, including fabulous vegetarian meals, morning and afternoon teas and suppers, rustic accomodation in a beautiful location, 4 creative writing workshops and 2 yoga classes, plus a fun bonfire night, for only $400.

Every activity is totally optional so if you’d rather sleep in than do yoga, or go for a walk than attend a workshop, that’s all perfectly fine. This is YOUR special weekend to reboot. Sleep the whole weekend away if that’s what you need most.

It’s important to me to keep the prices affordable. I know writers mostly aren’t flash with cash. The workshops, fun and people however are TOP CLASS 🙂

So what are you waiting for? Come along and Relax and Write in the Mountains.

Numbers are strictly capped at 15 participants so I have plenty of time to give everyone.

BOOK HERE or CONTACT ME for more info or any questions.

HURRY only 4 spots left!!

Treat yourself to some nurturing of your body, mind and spirit. Here’s what past retreaters have to say about the experience.

We’d love to see you!

Lots of love

Edwina xx