Gentle energising morning practice!

My friend Lulu came to stay recently and we enjoyed doing some yoga together.

Ever since she got back home to Perth, she’s been asking if I would send her a video so she could keep up the practice at home.

Much pfaffing about with unfamiliar technology later, I succeeded in uploading half of what I recorded to YouTube.

It includes a variety of simple breathing techniques combined with easy movements that everyone can do. You can even do them sitting down.

A number of the practices are my interpretations of breathing techniques I learnt from Donna Eden’s wonderful book Energy Medicine. Other movements are from Master Yang of Calligraphy Yoga. Some I just made up 🙂

I highly recommend both these teachers if you are looking for gentle healing practices for your body and mind.

Here’s the link to me in my courtyard taking you through my morning warm up routine. I hope you enjoy it.

A little practice every day is the secret to feeling good.

You can even do it in your PJs 🙂

Let me know how you go!

Lots of love,

Edwina xxx